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Med vänner som de här…

Israel sägs vara USAs bästa vän, men denna vän är inte en vän utan en parasit, en cancersvulst som föredrar att utnyttja och äta på sin vän. Denna parasit har sedan dess skapelse 1948, föredragit att utnyttja och inte ge något tillbaka. Vad har USA tjänat på det här? Enbart missaktning och problem. Runt 15 miljarder och mer, får Israel av USA varje år.

Med vänner som Israel, vem behöver fiender?

Stor del av den forskning och vetenskap som Israel har, är just stulen från andra länder. Om parasiten Israel behandlar sin närmaste vän USA på det här viset, är det då förvånansvärt att de mördar och ockuperar andra länder? Är det förvånansvärt att de angriper folk som de inte ser som sina vänner?

Kommer USA att ändra på sig och förändra sin relation till denna parasit? Knappast…

Forskare anklagad för spioneri –

98 kommentarer

  1. Bahlool 26 oktober 2009

    Lol wieslaw..Jag har hört om det första terrorattentatet i mellanöstern..begånget av .-…tadaaaa JUDAR..mot ett visst hotel 😉

  2. wieslaw. K 26 oktober 2009

    Blahlool skrev: “Det är kul att du vet mera om Irak än vad nyhetsmedier, underrättelsetjänster och irakier vet.. frågan kvarstår vad har det med Israel att göra? Texen handlade om Israel och dess svek mot USA och dess massmord på civila palestinier
    Eller kan du som jude och del i det så kallade ”utvalda” folket, ta er rätten att bedra, lura och mörda?”

    Läs grabben en gång till sin egen blog så kommer du kanske med tiden att förstå.
    Hej då

  3. wieslaw. K 26 oktober 2009

    Det första terror terrorattentatet var i Hebron den 23 augusti 1929. Grabben du har mycket att lära

  4. Bahlool 26 oktober 2009

    lol weislaw..tro mig jag var blind men jag förstår 😉

  5. RZA 26 oktober 2009

    Behöver jag ens börja 1929? varför inte ta 2008 med “operation cast lead” där 1500 människor, de flesta oskyldiga palestinier dödades. Det är ju mer än alla de israeler som dödades som du listade från 1968. Israelerna räknar med att ligga på topp och få stöd av USA till jordens undergång….men historien visar att alla imperier faller nån gång och med det dess allierade.

  6. wieslaw. K 26 oktober 2009

    * This document is a Chronological list of of quotations from many different sources.


    PFLP – People’s Front for the Liberation of Palestine, supported by Soviet, Polish People Republic, Czechoslovakia and German Democratic Republic, Syria and some other Arabic countries

    Baader-Meinhof – German left radical group, supported by Soviet, Polish People Republic, Czechoslovakia and German Democratic Republic

    Red Army Faction – international group(Japan), supported by Soviet, Polish People Republic, Czechoslovakia and German Democratic Republic

    Black September – People’s Front for the Liberation of Palestine, supported by Soviet, Polish People Republic, Czechoslovakia and German Democratic Republic, Syria and some other Arabic countries

    Army of Arab Lebanon, – founded by the Palestinians in Lebanon

    Hizballah – is an umbrella organization of various radical Shi’ite groups and organizations which adhere to a Khomeinistic ideology. The organization was established following the 1982 Peace for Galilee War in Lebanon (and an increased Iranian presence and influence in Lebanon). The Hizballah organization was established as an organizational body for Shi’ite fundamentalists, led by religious clerics, who see in the adoption of Iranian doctrine a solution to the Lebanese political malaise. This included the use of terror as a means of attaining political objectives

    Hamas – (a word meaning courage and bravery) is a radical Islamic organization which became active in the early stages of the Intifada, operating primarily in the Gaza Strip but also in the West Bank. The Hamas has played a major role in violent fundamentalist subversion and radical terrorist operations against both Israelis and Arabs. In its initial period, the movement was headed primarily by people identified with the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in the Territories.
    In the course of the Intifada, Hamas gained momentum, expanding its activity also in the West Bank, to become the dominant Islamic fundamentalist organization in the Territories. It defined its highest priority as Jihad (Holy War) for the liberation of Palestine and the establishment of an Islamic Palestine “from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River”.


    Terror connected to Palestinians.

    Jordanian prime minister and eleven others killed by bomb in the foreign ministry building, Amman, Jordan. Two of the bombers fled to safety and eleven others are sentenced to death for the attack.

    Three Israeli civilians killed in Al Fatah Palestinian terrorist attack on Jewish settlement at Ramat Hakovash, Israel.

    [ The Birth of Black September Immediately after their ejection from northern Jordan and before their move to Lebanon, in August and September 1971, the PLO had met in Damascus to lick its wounds and decide on a course of action. The recollections of a member of the PFLP command who participated in the meetings, and the length of time it took to reach a decision, attest to the lack of agreement on what was needed to keep the flame of resistance alive. Moderate Khalid Al Hassan, who had acted as de facto foreign affairs spokesman for the PLO, was firmly opposed to the use of terror tactics. Arguing against him were Abu Iyad, Abu Jihad, Kamal Adwan, Mi Hassan Salameh (Abu Hassan), George Habbash of the PFLP and the DFLP representatives. Arafat straddled the fence but was dead set against any such acts taking place under the name of the PLO and in fact, Arafat suggested the use of a new name but the final decision to create the Black September Movement it is reported that Arafat did not vote.

    Black September thus came into being. It was a conglomeration of the leading Palestinian resistance groups, and the PFLP in particular provided it with all the expertise at its disposal and volunteers.

    In Jordan, the PLO stronghold, many of the Fatah fighters and most of the guerrillas belonging to other groups had moved into the major cities and turned themselves into unruly armed gangs beyond the control of the local authorities. King Hussein had a difficult time controlling his Bedouin army, and many Jordanian politicians called for the reimposition of discipline and the rule of law to keep the frequent clashes between the guerrillas and his soldiers under control. In Lebanon something similar was happening. The clashes between Arafat’s men and the Lebanese security forces caused many deaths, government crises and serious divisions within a country whose political structure, based as it was on delicate sectarian divisions, could not accommodate too much stress.

    Between mid 1968 and the end of 1969 there were no fewer than five hundred violent clashes between members of the various Palestinian guerrilla groups and the Jordanian army and security forces.

    Serious incidents included the kidnapping of Arab diplomats and unfriendly Jordanian journalists, unprovoked attacks on government offices, rape and the humiliation of army and security officers. The Palestinians, who were legally entitled to set up road blocks, molested women, levied illegal taxes and insulted the Jordanian flag in the presence of loyal Jordanians

    Immediately after the Arab defeat of 1967 Syria started sending Palestinian guerrillas into Lebanon to attack Israel. As soon as the PLO came to Lebanon, the violence that was to destroy the country began.]

    School bus hits land mine in Negev desert, Israel, killing two adults and injuring twenty eight children. The Israelis stage major retaliatory raid into Jordan to hunt down the Palestinian Al Fatah terrorists responsible.

    A Marxist group called the People’s Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) begins the first in a series of hijackings of Israeli El Al airliners. For this mission, the group exchanges 48 Israeli hostages for 16 Arab prisoners in Israeli jails.

    American presidential candidate Robert Kennedy murdered by Jordanian terrorist, Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, in Los Angeles, United States. His killer was arrested and became the cause of further terrorist attacks, as Arab terrorist groups demanded his release.

    PFLP, operating under the direction of George Habbash’s associate Dr Wadi’ Haddad, better known to Palestinians as ‘The Master’, carried out the first of many spectacular plane hijackings: an El Al Boeing 707 plane flying from Rome to Tel Aviv was directed to Algeria. Thirty two Jewish passengers held hostages for five weeks.

    Three bombs explode in central Tel Aviv, Israel, killing one Israeli and wounding seventy one civilians.

    1968-11- 22
    Mahaneh Yehuda market, Israel, bombed by Al Fatah Palestinian terrorists killing twelve civilians and injuring fifty two

    1968-12- 26
    One Israeli killed in Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine machine gun attack on El Al aircraft at Athens airport, Greece. Two terrorists were captured but later released by the Greek government after a Greek aircraft was hijacked to Beirut.

    Palestinian terrorists attack El Al Boeing 707 on runway at Zurich airport, Switzerland, raking the fuselage with gunfire, killing the pilot and three passengers. An Israeli skymarshall/secuirty guard returned fire killing one of the terrorists and drove off the reminder.

    Palestinian terrorists explode a bomb in a crowded supermarket in Jerusalem, Israel, killing two people and injuring twenty.

    Lebanon – fighting broke out again between the Lebanese Army and infiltrating guerrillas in the southern village of Deir Mimas. Disturbances were also recorded in several Palestinian camps. Four days later, another clash took place between army troops and armed Palestinians in the villages of ‘Odeiseh and Khiyam, resulting in several casualties.

    Clashes between Lebanese Army and Palestinians were renewed in the south in which several guerrillas were injured and others detained. Clashes became recurrent as the number of guerrillas operating in Lebanon increased. According to
    Lebanese security sources, the number of guerrillas based in the south Lebanon by mid-1969 was approximately 4000. The majority belonged to Sa’iqa and Fateh.

    [ Confrontations with Lebanon government authorities were part of a Fateh strategy to establish a permanent military presence in Lebanon. According to George Hawi the head of the Communist Party, Arafat was uncertain about the precarious state of affairs that prevailed in Jordan in 1969 as well as about the PLO’s ability to take over Jordan, as advocated by some Palestinian leaders.

    Black September had no single leader. Salameh was determined to endear himself to Arafat and became something akin to an adopted son, but Abu Iyad and Mohammed Yusuf Al Najjar were also determined to leave their mark. Najjar was not after personal glory, but Salameh and Abu Iyad were, and the latter in particular was determined to erase the stigma attached to him by Arafat for reaching an agreement during the fighting in Jordan which proved unacceptable to the PLO and its leader. This produced rivalry both for the leadership of Black September and for credit for the various operations.]

    In Sidon Lebanon, armed Palestinians demonstrators coming from Ayn al-Helweh camp stormed the municipality building in the city and clashed with security forces. In Beirut, the clash started in the Barbir area as demonstrators tried to force their way through internal security forces deployed on the scene. Two people were killed and many others were injured. The demonstration and the bloody confrontations that followed in Beirut, Sidon, Tripoli and the Beqa were not an accidental show of force. Clashes resulted in 11 people dead, including five Lebanese security forces and more than 80 injured.

    [ What made the demonstration qualitatively different was its political significance. It signalled, in the words of Mohsin Ibrahim head of the Organisation of Communist Action, ‘the decision to open the battle’ with the Lebanese government. Equally important was that it was viewed by the Left in Lebanon as a revolutionary event of unprecedented importance. For Lebanese Communist Party ideologue Mahdi ‘Amil, the ‘April 23 uprising’ (‘Intifada’) was a political and ideological achievement of ‘historic significance’, with it, ‘Lebanon’s class struggle began’ and a new political force was born ‘to break the hold of the bourgeoisie-controlled’ political system and ‘to protect the Palestinian Resistance.

    The Lebanon was paralized as the President found it impossible to form a new government as the Sunni leadership refused to do so unless Lebanon started a policy of coordination with the PLO. That formula was the Cairo Agreement. The situation forced army commander General Emile Bustani to sign the an agreement in Cairo in November 1969 with Palestinian representatives. The Cairo Agreement granted to the Palestinians the right to keep weapons in their camps and to attack Israel across Lebanon’s border and for their part the Plaestinians had to respect Lebanese laws and Lebanon’s sovereignty. By sanctioning the armed Palestinian presence, however, Lebanon surrendered full sovereignty over military operations conducted within and across its borders and became a party to the Arab-Israeli conflict. ]

    1969-08- 29
    TWA hijacked by Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorists after taking off from Rome, Italy, led by Leila Khalid, and forced to fly to Damascus, Syria. All the passengers and crew were released unharmed but the terrorists exploded a bomb in the cockpit of the aircraft.

    Large numbers of Palestinain guerrillas began gathering on the western slopes of Mount Hermon in the Arqub region of Lebanon a few days later on the 29th these Palestinians fired on a Lebanese army patrol which resulted in the deaths of three Lebanese soldiers and the death one guerrilla with two injured. Imediatley Voice of Palestine broadcasts from cairo started to warn the Lebanese not to interfere with Palestinain raids into Israel.

    [ Lebanon -The army and its Deuxième Bureau was not able to control the flow Palestinian guerrillas infiltrating Lebanon from Syria, an attitude that angered Christians who saw the Palestinian armed presence as a mortal threat to Lebanon. In December 1968, the Lebanese government was humiliated when Israeli commandos landed at Beirut International Airport and destroyed thirteen Middle East Airlines and TMA aircraft with impunity. The Israeli strike was in retaliation for a series of Palestinian hijackings. The Lebanese army did not interfere with Israeli attacks into Lebanon in retaliation against Palestinian terror forces, the army and the Deuxiéme Bureau, and the government were charged with collusion with Israel by the Lebanese left. Kamal Jumblatt led the anti government chorus and demanded that Lebanon supports the guerrillas.]

    Three Arab terrorists attempt to hijack an El Al Boeing 707 at Munich airport, Germany, but are thwarted by the pilot who grappled with a terrorist in the terminal lounge. One Israeli is killed and eleven others wounded.

    PFLP terrorists blow up a Swissair 330 in midair shortly after leaving Geneva, killing 47.

    German left-wing terrorist leader Andreas Baader freed in rescue raid on West Berlin jail led by fellow terrorist Ulrike Meinhof. The two become notorious as leaders of the Baader-Meinhof gang.

    PFLP terrorists seize four airliners at the beginning of what would become known as “Black September.” The hijackers demand the release of Palestinian prisoners in Germany, Switzerland, and Israel. They fly two planes to Dawson’s Field in the Jordanian desert and blow up one in Cairo after releasing passengers and crew. On the fourth plane, the terrorists are overpowered and the plane returns to London. British authorities take Leila Khaled, who commanded the terrorist operation, into custody. The PFLP then demands Ms. Khaled’s release and hijacks another plane bound for Beirut, landing a third plane at Dawson’s Field. PFLP releases 255 hostages (retaining 56) and blow up the three planes. At the end of Black September, Great Britain releases Ms. Khaled and six other Palestinian guerrillas in exchange for the remaining hostages.

    [ On 6 September 1970 the PFLP, again acting on the instructions of the Master, Dr Wadi’ Haddad, carried out one of the most memorable hijackings in history. They began with the simultaneous diversion to Jordan of a Swissair DC-8 and a TWA Boeing 707, which was followed six days later by the hijacking of a BOAC VC-10. The aircraft were forced to land at Dawson Field, 30 miles from Amman, which was quickly renamed Revolutionary Airport. Meanwhile another PFLP hijack team which had failed to board an El Al plane managed to hijack a Pan American Boeing 747 to Cairo and blow it up, while the media recorded the incident for a gasping world audience.

    The Jordanians were divided on what to do about the hijackers. Prime Minister Abdel Munim Al Rifai’, a staunch PLO supporter who had repeatedly stood by the Palestinians while trying to get them to behave, remained adamant that a settlement should be negotiated. Other Jordanian politicians, notably former Prime Minister Bahjat Talhouni, former deputy Prime Minister Akef Al Fayez and the popular politician Ibrahim Ezzedine, supported him. On the other side, advocating a crackdown, were Crown Prince Hassan, former Prime Minister Wasfi Tel, the dismissed trio of Sharif Nasser bin Jameel, Sharif Zeid bin Shaker and the former Minister of the interior Mohammed Rasul Al Kilani, politician Zedi Al Rifai (Abdel Munim’s nephew) and most of the senior officers of Hussein’s army. Although Hussein was in touch with the United States and Israel and had prepared for confrontation to the extent of dismissing several army officers with PLO sympathies and organizing a special force to deal with the situation, the outcome of the crisis depended on the PLO leader, Yasser Arafat, who seemed unwilling to discipline Palestinians.

    The day after the destruction of the hijacked planes King Hussein declared martial law, dismissed Rifai’, recalled Field Marshal Habis Al Majali to active duty and appointed him commander in chief, and entrusted the formation of a military government to the Palestinian born General Mohammed Daoud. Arafat stormed around Amman making statements but there were no last minute moves to salvage the situation, even after the Arab governments showed little inclination to stand in Hussein’s way.

    The fighting began the following day, with a Jordanian artillery barrage against the PLO stronghold of Zarqa. Within hours similar attacks were being directed against several areas of Amman, including the strategic Jabal Al Hussein, and on refugee camps such as Al Wahdat which had raised the flag of the Republic of Palestine. For the first time Arafat used the word ‘genocide’ to describe what was happening to the Palestinians, while urging his fighters to resist. The Palestinians acquitted themselves well, helped by his undoubtedly inspiring personal courage and stead-fastness. But Arafat’s first disappointment came when Iraqi army units which he had counted on refused to come to his aid and were seen retreating to a distant safe area. But Arafat took the Iraqi ‘betrayal’ in his stride.

    On 18 September Arafat’s men were still acquitting themselves well and the Jordanian army was failing to make any substantial progress, despite Hussein’s expectations of an easy victory. The Arab countries and the Arab League issued appeals for a cessation of hostilities but did little else. By the end of the day, lack of organization and co-ordination was beginning to show and some Palestinian fighting units were running out of ammunition. By early morning on the 19th armoured units of the Palestine Liberation Army and regular units of the Syrian army invaded northern Jordan in a drive towards Amman. Arafat the propagandist rose to the occasion and declared northern Jordan a liberated area. The Arab League called for an extraordinary meeting of heads of state. Israel urged Hussein to continue and, in line with the secret agreement between them, code named Sandstorm, placed its forces on alert. The United States announced that naval units were converging on the eastern Mediterranean to reinforce the Sixth Fleet as a precautionary measure.

    The fighting in the streets of Amman was bloody. Neither side took any prisoners; both sides committed atrocities, many innocents were raped and killed, and most of the city was ablaze. In other parts of the country, besieged refugee camps were running out of food and water. Wherever possible people lived in shelters, while others abandoned their villages for the safety of empty spaces. No fewer than five thousand soldiers and officers of the Jordanian army defected to the PLO, but most did so individually: the fact that there was no defection by whole units left the army’s organizational structure intact and enabled it to continue fighting, and did little to strengthen the PLO. After an initial setback, the Jordanians counter-attacked the invading force from Syria and pushed it back. When Israel sent his air force against it, the Syrian ground forces had to withdraw. What lay behind the Syrian move was Assad’s calculating conviction that the use of his air force would bring the United States and Israel into the conflict. ]

    Agents of the Palestine Liberation Organization murder U.S. Embassy attaché Army Major Robert P. Perry at home in Amman, Jordan.

    Black September – an organization which was to leave an indelible mark on the history of political terror and the modern Middle East committed its first murder. Four armed Palestinians, operating in broad daylight and without the benefit of masks, shot dead the Jordanian Prime Minister, Wash Tel, as he returned to Cairo’s Sheraton Hotel from an Arab League meeting. The assassination itself was followed by a gruesome ritual as one of the killers knelt down, lapped up and drank some of Tel’s flowing blood and shouted several times that he and his accomplices belonged to Black September.

    The following month the Black September group tried to assassinate Jordan’s Ambassador to London, Zeid Al Rifai’, a leading politician who had supported King Hussein’s crackdown on the Palestinians.

    Members of Black September blew up a West German electrical installation and a Dutch gas plant.

    [ These four acts of terrorism revealed a great deal about the organization behind them. Black September’s fearless members were willing to defy major Arab governments, including the very important Egyptian one. The attempt to assassinate Rifai’ in London demonstrated that they had international connections. The attacks against the West German and Dutch installations indicated that the plans of the new terror group went beyond eliminating individuals and included a threat to the economic infrastructure of the West on its home ground. ]

    Hijacking, of a Belgian Sabena plane flying from Vienna to Tel Aviv. Later that month, using their international connections and relying for assistance on members of the Japanese Red Army, the PFLP carried out an attack on Lod airport in Israel which left twenty-four dead.

    The Red Army Faction (also known in its early years as the Baader-Meinhof Gang) carries out six separate bombing attacks aimed at U.S. Army personnel and a West German Supreme Court Justice. One bomb kills an Army officer and injures 12 other servicemen. A short time later, both Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof are captured and imprisoned.

    Using their international connections Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Japanese Red Army terrorists open fire in passenger terminal of Lod Airport, Israel, killing twenty six civilians and wounding seventy eight others. Japanese terrorist Kozo Okamoto survives and is captured by the Israelis.

    A bomb at a Tel Aviv bus terminal wounded eleven people.

    Black September attacked an oil refinery in Trieste in north-eastern Italy.

    During the Olympic Games, the Massacre Munich. Two Israeli athletes were killed when hooded Palestinians raided the Olympic grounds and took another eleven as hostages. Later, in a twenty-three-hour drama, a German attempt to lure the kidnappers failed and in the ensuing shoot-out nine more Israeli athletes, five of the eight gunmen and a German policeman perished.The three surviving kidnappers were captured by the Germans but freed later after the hijacking of a Lufthansa plane. The hijacking of this plane from Beirut turned out to be set up by the Germans and the Palestinians so as to give the Germans a reason to release the terrorists as the Germans wanted to wash their hands of the entire affair. Pictures of the hooded gunmen were flashed all over the world; they became the masked face of Palestinian resistance, the face of terror.

    Member of the Israeli embassy staff in London, England, killed by Palestinian letter bomb.

    Black September hijackers seize a Lufthansa flight from Beirut to Ankara, and gain the freedom of the three remaining Munich assailants.

    [ In 1972, what amounted to a full-fledged war of terror between the Palestinians and Israel complemented the escalating situation on the ground. In January, PLO raids from Lebanon against northern Israel prompted an Israeli incursion into that country and aerial attacks against PLO bases there as well as the first attack against Syria since the 1967 War. The Syrian aerial response came close to starting a full-scale war. Later PLO cross border activities resulted in similar land, air and sea clashes and further Israeli incursions which occasionally involved thousands of men. The Palestinian issue was alive, the raids against Israel and Black September terror tactics were successful; the United Nations and the rest of the world were left in no doubt that the defeat in Jordan had not finished off the PLO or Arafat’s leadership. ]

    An eight man Black September hit squad shot their way into the Saudi Embassy in Khartoum where a farewell party was being held for American chargé d’affaires J. Curtis Moore. They took the guests hostage and made the usual demands for the freeing of prisoners in several countries. It was an affront to Sudan’s President Ja’afar Numeiri, the man who had saved Arafat during the fighting in Amman, an insult to the Saudis, who had continued to fund the PLO, and a direct threat to American diplomats. The negotiations with the semi-literate terrorists got nowhere and the grisly episode ended with the cold-blooded murder in the embassy basement of Moore, the American Ambassador, Cleo Noel, and the Belgian chargé d’affaires, Guy Eid. The terrorists were in radio contact and receiving instructions from Beirut during the day long siege.

    [Even though the West was to be spared Palestinian terror the Middle East was not to be so fortunate and Lebanon was to suffer more than any other country at the hands of the Palestinians whose actions and those of their allies resulted in fifteen year war and the destruction of the Lebanese state.

    The Israelis were not going to take Palestinian terrorist attacks lying down and went on the offensive. Following the Munich massacre the Israelis sent out hit squads to take out those involved, the Israelis managed to assassinate two out of the three Palestinians that survived the shoot out at Munich and the Israelis also managed to liquidate at least a dozen others involved in the planning. Israeli actions reached a climax in March 1973 in the form of Operation Spring of Youth, the assassination by an Israeli hit squad in Beirut of PLO terrorist leaders Kamal Adwan, Mohammed Yusuf Al Najjar and Kamal Nassar.

    All of this was now too much for Arafat, his top terrorists were dropping like flies and all the attacks had achieved was a popular distaste towards the PLO and the Palestinians. Arafat decided it was time to quietly halt terror attacks against the West and so Black September for the most part vanished quietly into the night but its members continue to be hunted down. ]

    Palestinian Black September terrorists murder an Israeli businessman on Cyprus.

    The US-owned oil terminus at Zahrani was bombed, allegedly by the PFLP-GC; on

    April 27 three men were arrested with explosives at Beirut airport, where a bomb was found the next day.

    Several armed DFLP members were arrested as they drove past the US Embassy. In response, two Lebanese soldiers were kidnapped on May 1st which finally forced the Lebanese Army into action against the PLO.

    [Lebanon – The refugee camps were then surrounded and attacked by the army. In response to Palestinian shelling of the airport, the Lebanese Air Force was ordered into action against the Burj al-Barajina camp in Beirut. A state of emergency was declared throughout the country.
    As the fighting intensified, the PLO appealed to external allies for support. Algeria, Libya, and Syria promptly condemned the Lebanese government’s actions. All three, together with Kuwait, Egypt, Morocco, Iraq, the United Arab Emirates, and the Arab League offered to mediate. Egypt and Syria-now planning what would become the October 1973 Arab-Israeli War-were particularly anxious to contain the conflict, and exerted considerable pressure to that end. This included the closure of the Syrian-Lebanese border on May 8, and the movement of Fateh and Sa’iqa forces from Syria to a few kilometers inside Lebanon. Fearing a Syrian invasion, the Lebanese looked for a way to end the fighting.

    After the 1973 confrontations between the Lebanese army and PLO forces, when Christian-based parties began to acquire heavy weapons and were engaged in organised training. The most organised and disciplined Christian-based party was the Kataeb.]

    Black September suicide squad attacks passenger terminals at Athens airport, Greece, killing three civilians and injuring fifty five.

    Palestinian terrorists bomb Pan Am office at Fiumicino airport, Rome, Italy killing thirty two and injuring fifty. The terrorist then take seven Italian policemen hostage and hijack an aircraft to Athens, Greece, before flying on to Kuwait after killing one of the hostages. They then surrendered.

    Saudi Arabian embassy in Khartoum, Sudan, seized by Black September terrorists and a number of diplomats from Arab and western countries taken hostages. The terrorists murder two American and one Belgian diplomat.

    Leftist radicals of the Symbionese Liberation Army kidnap newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst. In April, she totes a gun in a San Francisco bank robbery. In May, police kill six SLA members in a shootout. The FBI arrests Ms. Hearst in September 1975. She claims she only pretended to support the SLA to survive, but she must serve time in prison until President Carter pardons her in 1979.

    Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command terrorists seize part of the Qirayt Shemona settlement in northern Israel. Eighteen Israelis killed after the terrorists detonate explosives during a rescue attempt.

    PFLP – Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine infiltrated from Lebanon, broke into a school and took hostage 120 school children in the town of Ma’alot. During a rescue attempt, the terrorists turned their weapons on the children, killing 22 and wounding 70 before the terrorists were killed.

    The Shamir kibbutz in Israel raided by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The four terrorists and several Israelis killed in ensuing gun battle.

    Al Fatah Palestinian terrorists land by boat near Nahariya, Israel, and attempt to take civilians hostage. Three Israelis and all the terrorists are killed in a firefight.

    British DC-10 airliner hijacked at Dubai, UAE, by Palestinian Rejectionist front terrorists and eventually flown to Tunisia where a German passenger was killed.

    1975-04- 24
    German left wing terrorists seized the German embassy in Stockholm, Sweden, and took twelve staff hostage to force the release of Baader-Meinhof gang terrorists. One hostage was murdered and a terrorist killed when explosives went off by accident.

    Five terrorists from the Japanese Red Army shoot their way into the American consulate on the ninth floor of a downtown office building in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. They wound four people and take 53 men, women, and children hostage, including American consul Robert Stebbins. Japanese officials bow to the attackers’ demand for the release of five Japanese Red Army prisoners; after difficult negotiations, Libya agrees to accept the terrorists. After it ends, Mr. Stebbins declares of his captors: “I hope they might someday be people with whom I can sit down and have a cup of coffee and talk about politics.”

    [ Lebanon – On the eve of the war in 1975 the military balance in the country was largely in favour of the PLO. Of the eight PLO organisations, with a total strength of 22,900 troops, Fateh had the largest number of fighters (7,000) and was the best equipped, followed by Saiqa (4,500). The fighting force of other major organisations was of almost equal size, numbering about 2500 each. The distribution of armed men in seven major camps in October 1975 was as follows: al-Rashidiyeh (7,300), Ayn al-Helweh (4,500), Tal-Za’tar (3,225), Shatila (2,500), Nahr al-Band (1,700), al-Burj al-Shimali (1,625) and Borj al-Barajneh (1,300). Therefore, the largest concentration was in the south and the Beirut area. The Lebanese army was 19,000 strong. Only about half that number was a fighting force. The largest number of militiamen was that of the Kataeb Party (8,000), followed by the Lebanese Communist Party and the Progressive Socialist Party (5,000 each) and by the Syrian Social Nationalist Party and the National Liberal Party (4,000 each). Leftist, nationalist and Muslim-based parties, which were part of the LNM, had a total number of 18,700 militiamen and with the PLO the anti government forces numbered some 41,600 while Christian-based parties had 12,000. The break up of the army made the ratio worse for the Christian based parties as the result was 46,600 left wing troops against 15,000 right wing troops.

    By the mid 1970s PLO conduct in Lebanon had reached incredible lows. Arafat’s realm within Lebanon became known as the Fakhani Republic named after the district of Beirut where he had set up his headquarters, in large areas of Lebanon his authority was supreme. In a flagrant violation of Lebanese sovereignty the PLO set up road blocks, issued passes and travel documents, took over entire buildings, operated extortion rackets, protected criminals fleeing Lebanese justice, stole cars, expelled residents, and opened unlicensed shops, bars, and nightclubs. They even raped and murdered at will. Despite repeated pleas from his old guard and from Lebanese Christian leaders, Arafat did nothing to control the behaviour of his Palestinians.

    In a memorandum submitted to the Lebanese Chamber of Deputies on 7th November 1975 by the Standing Conference of the Superior-Generals of the Monastic Orders of Lebanon, they state:
    ‘The Palestinian resistance interfere in Lebanese politics, in alliance with such groups as it believes can be of advantage to it, and openly try to bring them to power by calling upon them to cause disturbances even such as involve the use of arms, using external pressure on the Lebanese state through certain Arab countries when it seems to be in its interest to extract from the Lebanese authorities such privileges as have not been extracted before. The resistance also believes itself entitled to call openly upon the Lebanese to deny their political system, impeding the normal course of the constitutional and administrative institutions (the army, for example) by openly appealing to one or other of the Arab countries, which then pours in its money to direct the information media (and the press in particular) as it wishes, and, indeed, to mold them and to undermine their national role so as to suppress the expression of any opinion favorable to Lebanon in its own interest, providing a base and a refuge for international terrorism which can only be injurious to Lebanon.”

    A year later, on 14th October 1976 Edward Ghorra, the Lebanese AmbAssador to the United Nations described the actions of the Palestinians to the UN General Assembly:
    “The Palestinians had transformed most, if not all, of the refugee camps into military bastions around our major cities. Moreover, common-law criminals fleeing from Lebanese justice find shelter and protection in the camps. Palestinian elements belonging to various splinter organizations resorted to kidnapping Lebanese and sometimes foreigners, holding them prisoner, questioning them, and even killing them. They committed all sorts of crimes in Lebanon and also escaped Lebanese justice in the protection of the camps. They smuggled goods into Lebanon and openly sold them on our streets. They went so far as to demand protection money from many individuals and owners of buildings and factories situated in the vicinity of the camps.”

    Even strong supporters of the PLO had been moved to comment on the behavior of the Palestinians. In his book, I Speak for Lebanon, written in 1977 shortly before his death, Kamal Jumblat the main ally of the Palestinians in

    Lebanon wrote:
    “It has to be said that the Palestinians themselves, by violating Lebanese law, bearing arms as they chose and policing certain important points of access to the capital, actually furthered the plot that had been hatched against them. They carelessly exposed themselves to criticism and even to hatred. High officials and administrators were occasionally stopped and asked for their identity papers by Palestinian patrols. From time to time, Lebanese citizens and foreigners were arrested and imprisoned, on the true or false pretext of having posed a threat to the Palestinian revolution.]

    At Deir Ayach in Northern Lebanon, a monastery transformed in 1947 into a school was twenty eight years later attacked by Lebanese and Palestinians. The school had 960 children (660 Muslims) who mainly were attending at no cost. Three monks aged, respectively, 60, 78, and 93, the sole occupants of Deir Ayach on that day were murdered. The veins of the blind Boutros Sassine’s arms were severed. Antoine Tamini was slaughtered, decapitated, and burned. Hanna Maksoud was found in his room, his throat cut. The Christian villagers living around the school monastery fled, and the aggressors destroyed their village.

    Top international terrorist, Carlos “The Jackal” holds eleven oil ministers and fifty nine civilians hostage during the OPEC meeting in Vienna, Austria. After flying to Algeria and taking delivery of several hundred million dollars in ransom money, Carlos and his Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorists escape.

    The Palestinians arrived at Kab Elias, an Islamic Christian village situated in the Bekaa. Some ten days later, 16 Christians were killed and another 23 were injured. Following that, we witnessed the exodus of the Christians towards Zahlé, East Beirut and Jounieh

    In Damour and Jieh, two Christian towns south of Beirut, the Palestinians and Syrians went so far as to cut the fingers of Christian children to ensure that they never would be able to pull a gun’s trigger. In Damour, at least 300 inhabitants were killed and their churches profaned.

    The village of Hoche Barada in the Bekaa was attacked by Palestinians and Muslim Lebanese and completely pillaged and destroyed.

    Officer Moiin Hatoum, member of the Army of Arab Lebanon led an attack on the Khyam Barracks. Over 30 Lebanese soldiers were killed.

    Entebbe – The days of coffee talk come to an end after four terrorists-two from the Palestinian terrorist group PFLP and two from the Red Army Faction-hijack an Air France flight from Tel Aviv to Paris, capturing 240. After refueling in Libya, they fly to Entebbe, Uganda, where dictator Idi Amin welcomes them and allows them to land. The terrorists demand the release of 54 colleagues who are jailed in six countries around the world and a $5 million ransom for the PFLP. They release all passengers with non-Israeli passports, reducing the number of hostages to 103. On July 1, Israeli commandos raid the terminal building, killing all four terrorists and rescuing all but two hostages who die in the crossfire. The raid at Entebbe becomes a rallying point for the fight against terrorism.

    Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Japanese Red Army terrorists attack passenger terminal at Istanbul airport, Turkey, killing four civilians and injuring twenty.

    The Army of Arab Lebanon, founded by the Palestinians, attacked the city of Aintoura and destroyed it. The attack was led by the Lebanese officer Ibrahim Chahine.

    The Lebanese officer Samir Abou Zahr led the massacre perpetrated by the Army of Arab Lebanon on the Emir Bechir Barracks in Beirut. During this massacre, Lebanese soldiers and officers were murdered in their sleep.
    In 1976-
    The Lebanese officer Mostapha Sleiman, a member of the Army of Arab Lebanon, led the massacre of the Lebanese population in the city of Chekka.

    West German business leader Hans Martin Schleyer kidnapped by the Baader-Meinhof gang. He was later murdered.

    Four Palestinian terrorists hijack a German Lufthansa Boeing 737 and order it to fly around a number of Middle East destinations for four days. After the plane’s pilot is killed by the terrorists, it is stormed by German GSG9 counter-terrorist troops, assisted by two British Army Special Air Service soldiers, when it puts down at Mogadishu, Somalia. All the ninety hostages are rescued and three terrorists killed.

    Palestinian terrorists ambushed and captured a bus on Israel’s main highway near Tel Aviv, killing 35 Israelis and wounding more than 70. In result, IDF forces entered south Lebanon with the goal of putting a stop to Palestinian terrorism. This IDF intervention known as Operation Litani lasted for 7 days in which the IDF removed terrorists from south Lebanon, and ceased the advance when it reached the Litani River. This intervention led the UN Security Council to adopt Resolution 425, demanding Israel to cease all military action against Lebanon and withdraw its forces. Resolution 425 also called for the establishment of an Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) to confirm this withdrawal, to assist in the restoration of peace and to restore the Lebanese government’s authority in south Lebanon. In June 1978 the IDF withdrew its forces from south Lebanon and handed over control of Lebanon’s southern border region to a Christian-Lebanese militia under the command of Maj. Sa’ad Haddad, known today as the South Lebanese Army (SLA).

    El Al stewardess killed when crew bus ambushed by Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorists outside Europa Hotel, London, England.

    Five PLO penetrated into Israel from UNIFIL’s area of operation in southern Lebanon. They entered Kibbutz Misgav Am (about half a mile from the border with Lebanon) and seized two nursery buildings, in which children, all less than three years old were sleeping, together with some nursing mothers. A terrorist group which belongs to the PLO, calling itself the “Arab Liberation Front,” and operating under the direction of PLO headquarters at Sidon in southern Lebanon, immediately took responsibility for this outrage in a statement issued in Baghdad and broadcast on Radio Monte Carlo in Arabic at 1100 hours today.

    Christian militiamen shoot down Palestinian terrorist team attempting attack on Israel from Lebanon in hot air balloon.

    [ 1978 – 1981 – 89 terrorist operations – were launched against Israel from Lebanon causing the deaths of nine Israelis and wounding 57 including the infamous PLO attack on a children’s nursery in Kibbutz Misgav Am. ]

    Arab Liberation Front – operating under the direction of PLO headquarters at Sidon in southern Lebanon, immediately took responsibility in a statement issued in Baghdad and broadcast on Radio Monte Carlo in Arabic. They entered Kibbutz Misgav Am (about half a mile from the border with Lebanon) and seized two nursery buildings, in which children, all less than three years old were sleeping, together with some nursing mothers. It was soon learned that the terrorists’ aim was to take the infants hostage and hold them as ransom in an attempt to gain the release of fifty PLO criminals, sentenced by Israel courts to various terms of imprisonment. The children and other hostages there had been freed, and the five terrorists had been killed.

    The Red Army Faction detonates a bomb inside a Volkswagen in a parking lot at the U.S. Air Force base in Ramstein, West Germany. The explosion injures two West Germans and 18 Americans and knocks down bystanders a hundred yards away. The blast is part of a series of incidents in response to German leftist Sigurd Debus’s death by hunger strike at a Hamburg jail.

    The Red Army Faction attempts to kill the commanding general of U.S. forces in Europe, Army Gen. Frederick Kruesen. RAF terrorists fire two RPG-7 grenades at the general’s car as he and his wife ride along a highway near Heidelberg. The Kruesens suffer minor injuries.

    Terrorists jump off a parade vehicle during an Egyptian parade, firing weapons and throwing grenades at the reviewing stand. They kill Egyptian President Anwar Sadat along with eight others and injure 20, including four American diplomats.

    The Red Brigades kidnap U.S. Army Brigadier General James Lee Dozier from his home in Verona, Italy. After 42 days, 10 Italian counter-terrorist agents free Dozier in a raid on a Red Brigades hideout.

    In Paris, Lebanese Marxists murder American military attaché Lieutenant Colonel Charles R. Ray near his apartment.

    Terrorist bombs rip through four U.S. military installations in West Germany, including the U.S. Army headquarters in Frankfurt, as President Reagan prepares to tour Europe. The West German terrorist group Revolutionary Cells claims credit.

    The Israeli ambassador in London, England, Shlomo Argov, shot and seriously injured by terrorists from the Abu Nidal group. The attack is used to justify the Israeli invasion of Lebanon that started immediately after the attack.

    David Dodge, the acting president of American University of Beirut, is kidnapped and held in Lebanon and then Iran. He is released a year later, and the Reagan administration gives credit to Syrian leader Hafez Assad, who told the Iranians that Mr. Dodge, as AUB president, had contributed to the culture of the Middle East.

    A bomb planted by Lebanese Marxists beneath the car of an American embassy employee in France explodes as technicians attempt to disarm it, killing one technician and injuring two.

    Lebanese President Bashir Gemayel assassinated by a massive car bomb at a Beirut political meeting, by a pro-Syrian Lebanese group. Scores of civilians were injured in the blast. Two days later with the support of Israeli defence minister Arial Sharon, Phalange Christian militiamen occupy the Sabra/Shatilla Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut Lebanon and start to massacre civilians in revenge for the death of Gemayel. Some four hundred and sixty men, women and children were killed in that attack that took place while nearby Israeli troops watched.

    1982-11- 11
    Israeli military headquarters in Tyre, Lebanon, destroyed by Islamic suicide bomber leaving seventy five Israeli soldiers dead, along with fifteen Lebanese and Palestinian prisoners.

    A man drives a van carrying 2,000 pounds of explosives into the front portion of the seven-story U.S. Embassy in Beirut, killing 63 (including 17 Americans) and injuring 120. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility.

    [1983, an agreement was signed by the representatives of Lebanon, Israel, and the United States that provided for Israeli withdrawal. Syria declined to discuss thewithdrawal of its troops, effectively stalemating further progress.
    Opposition to the negotiations and to U.S. support for the Gemayel regime led to a series of terrorist attacks in 1983 and 1984 on US interests, including the bombing on April 18, 1983 of the US embassy in west Beirut (63 dead), of the U.S. and French MNF headquarters in Beirut on October 23, 1983 (298 dead), and of the US embassy annex in east Beirut on September 20,1984 (8 killed). ]

    In the early morning at the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut, a truck loaded with compressed gas-enhanced explosives crashes through chain-link fences and barbed-wire entanglements. While guards open fire, the truck smashes through the doors of the four-story barracks and explodes, killing 241 U.S. servicemen as they sleep. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility. At almost the same time, a nearly identical suicide bombing attack kills 56 soldiers at the eight-story French military barracks in Beirut.

    Twenty eight Israeli soldiers, along with thirty Palestinian and Lebanese civilians are killed in another suicide truck bomb attack on the Israeli military headquarters in Tyre, in southern Lebanon.

    A bomb explodes around 11 p.m. near the Senate chamber in the U.S. Capitol, blowing out the windows of the Republican cloakroom and throwing large chunks of plaster through the air. A group called the Armed Resistance Unit claims responsibility, saying it is protesting the invasion of Grenada and American involvement in Lebanon.

    Suicide terrorists ram a truckload of explosives into the American and French embassies in Kuwait. Five people, but no Americans, are killed at the U.S. embassy, since the driver hits a small administrative annex rather than the crowded chancellery building. The explosion at the French embassy blows a 30-foot hole in the wall around the compound, but kills no one. Analysts later blame the attacks on the banned Al-Dawa party, a radical Shiite group with ties to Iran.

    Malcolm H. Kerr, president of the American University of Beirut, is slain by two gunmen as he steps off an elevator near his office. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility.

    CIA station chief in Beirut, Lebanon, William Buckley, kidnapped by the Iranian backed Islamic Jihad. He was tortured and then executed by his captors.

    Four Palestinian terrorist hijack bus carrying Israelis in Gaza, occupied territories. Israeli special forces storm the bus and kill two of the terrorist after they had been captured

    Suicide bomb attack on US Embassy in East Beirut kills twenty three people and injures twenty one others. The US and British ambassadors were slightly injured in the explosion which was attributed to the Iranian backed Hezbollah group.

    General Rene Audan, head of French international arms sales, shot dead at his home in Paris France by terrorists from the Action-Directe-Red Army Faction, pan-European radical group, linked to the German Baader-Meinhof gang. Two weeks later Industrialist Ernst Zimmerman and his wife murdered in their home, in Munich, Germany, by Red Army Faction terrorists.

    US journalist Terry Anderson is kidnapped in Beirut, Lebanon, by Iranian backed Islamic radicals. He is finally released in December 1991.

    Exodus of tens of thousands of Christians from Iklim El_Kharroub and the eastern part of Saida. The Palestinians and Lebanese Druze laid siege to, pillaged and burned over twenty Christian villages. Walid Joumblatt, Yasser Arafat and Syrian officers, planned these massacres.

    Red Army Faction bomb explodes at Frankfurt Airport, Germany, killing three people. A TWA Boeing 727 was hijacked enroute to Rome, Italy, from Athens, Greece, by two Lebanese Hezbollah terrorists and forced to fly to Beirut, Lebanon. The eight crews and one hundred and forty five passengers were then held for seventeen days, during which one American hostage was murdered. After being flown twice to Algiers, on the aircraft’s return to Beirut the hostages were released after the US Government pressured the Israelis to release four hundred and thirty five Lebanese Muslims and Palestinian prisoners.

    US academic, Thomas Sutherland, at the American University, Beirut, Lebanon kidnapped by Islamic terrorists and held until 18 November 1991.

    Lebanese gunmen hijack TWA flight 847 bound from Athens to Rome with 104 Americans and 49 other passengers and force it to fly to Beirut, where they pick up more gunmen, and then to Algiers. The hijackers release passengers until the number is down to 39. They demand the release of 766 Lebanese prisoners being held in Israel. On the second day of the standoff, the plane returns to Beirut, and the hijackers kill U.S. Navy diver Robert Stethem and throw his body out on the runway. Israel releases 31 Lebanese prisoners, but insists the release is not related to the standoff. After 17 days in captivity, the hostages are transported to Damascus, Syria, and released.

    Industrialist Karl-Heinz Beckurte killed in car bomb attack in Munich, Germany. Red Army Faction claim responsibility.

    The Red Army Faction detonates a car bomb at the U.S. Air Force base at Rhein-Main, West Germany, killing two and injuring 17. The night before, the assailants killed an off-duty U.S. serviceman, and they use his military identification to enter the base.

    Palestine Liberation Organisation Force 17 commando squad kills three Israeli tourists aboard at yacht in Larnica marina, Cyprus. The three strong group, including Briton Ian Davidson, are imprisoned by the Cypriots.

    Four Soviet diplomats kidnapped in Beirut, Lebanon by Islamic Liberation Organisation, which was thought to be a front for the Iranian backed Hezbollah. One of the Russians was killed but the other three were released unharmed after a relative of the terrorist group’s leaders was kidnapped and killed by the Soviet KGB.

    Four heavily armed Palestinian terrorists from the Popular Liberation Front hijack the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro, carrying more than 400 passengers and crew, off Egypt. The terrorists demand that Israel release 50 Palestinian prisoners. They murder 69-year-old disabled American tourist Leon Klinghoffer and throw his body overboard with his wheelchair. After two days of tension, the hijackers surrender in exchange for a promise of safe passage. But when an Egyptian jet tries to fly them to freedom, U.S. Navy F-14 fighters intercept it and force it to land in Sicily, where Italian authorities take the terrorists into custody.

    Senior government official Gerold von Braunmuhl, shot at his home in Bonn, Germany, by Red Army Faction terrorists.

    Ninety eight passengers and crew of an Egyptair aircraft are held hostage by Palestinian terrorists at Luqa, Malta. Five passengers were shot by the terrorists and two died. An ill-planned assault by Egyptian Force 777 commandos resulted in some fifty seven passengers being killed when the terrorists set off explosives in the aircraft.

    As customers shop at a U.S. military post exchange in Frankfurt, Germany, a bomb hidden in a silver BMW parked about 250 yards away from the PX explodes, injuring 35 people, most of them Americans.

    Suicide grenade and gun attacks against passenger terminals at Rome and Vienna airports by the Abu Nidal terrorist group results in sixteen people being killed and more than 100 civilians injured

    An explosion rips through La Belle Disco in West Berlin, killing two American soldiers (and one other person) and injuring almost 230, including dozens of off-duty U.S. servicemen. President Reagan orders air strikes against Libya 10 days later as a “swift and effective retribution” for its role in the disco bombing.

    British television journalist John McCarthy seized in Beirut by Iranian backed terrorist and held hostage with a large group of other westerners until 8 August 1991.

    US academic at the American University in Beirut Joseph Cicippio seized in Beirut by Iranian backed Islamic terrorists. He is eventually released on 1 December 1991.

    A ten month series of bomb attacks in France attributed to Lebanese and Armenian terrorists begins. One bomb in Paris kills five and injures 52.

    1986-10- 21
    American businessman Edward Tracy kidnapped in the Lebanon by Islamic terrorists and held for almost five years until 11 August 1991

    British church envoy Terry Waite, disappears in Beirut, Lebanon, while on a mission to secure the release of other western hostages held in the city by Iranian backed groups. Eventually released on 18 November 1991.

    American citizens Jesse Turner and Alann Steen seized in Beirut by Islamic terrorists. Turner was held until 22 October 1991 and Steen is released on 3 December 1991

    US Navy club in Naples, Italy, bombed by Japanese Red Army killing five.

    A remote-control bomb injures 16 U.S. servicemen in Greece in an attack by the group Revolutionary Organization 17 November, a Marxist-Leninist group known for lengthy ideological statements. The same group injures another 10 servicemen in Greece in another bus attack on Aug. 10.

    The communist New People’s Army kills four Americans within 15 minutes near Clark Air Base.

    Two hang gliders used by Palestinian terrorist to cross into Israel from Lebanon. Six Israeli soldiers are killed during an attack on an army camp and eight wounded.

    US Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel W. Higgens, kidnapped and murdered by the Iranian backed Hezbollah while serving with the United Nations Truce Supervisory Organisation in southern Lebanon.

    Pan Am Flight 103 from London to New York explodes over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing all 259 people on board (including 189 Americans) and 11 villagers on the ground. Crashing parts of the jet destroy 21 homes. In 1991 the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency charges two Libyan terrorists with the crime. On January 31, 2001, a former Libyan Arab Airlines official and suspected Libyan spy, Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi, is convicted of mass murder for his role in the bombing. The other defendant, Lamen Khalifa Fhimah, is found not guilty and receives a hero’s welcome upon his return to Libya.

    [ 1989 The First Intifada. Initially, more Palestinians died in clashes with Israeli troops – battles usually triggered by Arab attacks against soldiers – than were killed by their fellow Palestinians in the intrafada.

    This changed dramatically in early 1990. In that year, the number of Palestinians dying in engagements with Israelis fell by more than half. More Palestinians were murdered by Palestinians in the intrafada during that period. The internecine killings increased in 1991, with 238 Palestinians (up from 156) dying in the intrafada, more than triple the number who died at the hands of Israelis

    118 – Palestinians executed by PLO. Palestinians were stabbed, hacked with axes, shot, clubbed and burned with acid. Yasser Arafat defended the killing of Arabs deemed to be “collaborating with Israel.” He delegated the authority to carry out executions to the intifada leadership. After the murders, the local PLO death squad sent the file on the case to the PLO. “We have studied the files of those who were executed, and found that only two of the 118 who were executed were innocent,” Arafat said. The innocent victims were declared “martyrs of the Palestinian revolution” by the PLO.

    PFLP alone carried out 122 terrorist attacks during 1991, resulting in the murders of 18 residents of Israel and the territories. Crimes committed by Fatah included the July 4 murder of a 61-year-old Arab villager near Jenin; the September killing of Israeli Sgt. Yoram Cohen and the October murder of a man found stabbed to death in a Gaza street, his head covered with a sack. A note bearing the words “Force-17,” denoting Arafat’s personal bodyguard, was found on the body ]

    A bomb explodes in a van driven by the wife of U. S. Navy Captain Will C. Rogers. She is unhurt. The attack is believed to be in retaliation for the July 1988 downing of an Iranian civil airliner by the USS Vincennes, commanded by Capt. Rogers.

    Lebanon – President Moawad was assassinated by a bomb that exploded as hismotorcade was returning from Lebanese independence day ceremonies.

    [ 1991-12-25 The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics dissolves. The fall of the Soviet Union and the Eastern communist bloc leads to the dissolution of remaining “Red” terrorist groups, especially with the opening of Soviet and East German archives. 1991 and 1992 saw considerable advancement in efforts to reassert state control over Lebanese territory. Militias–with the important exception of Hizballah–were dissolved in May 1991, and the armed forces moved against armed Palestinian elements in Sidon in July 1991. In May 1992 the last of the western hostages taken during the mid-1980s by Islamic extremists wasreleased.

    In October 1991, under the sponsorship of the United States and the then-Soviet Union, the Middle East peace talks were convened in Madrid, Spain. This was the first time that Israel and its Arab neighbors had direct bilateral negotiations to seek a just, lasting, and comprehensive peace in the Middle East. Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and representatives of the Palestinians concluded round 11 of the negotiations in September 1993. ]

    Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, devastated by bomb killing twenty and injuring scores more. Islamic terrorists suspected.

    One tourist was killed by Islamic Jihad terrorist who attacked the Israeli Red Sea resort of Eilat. Two terrorists were killed and one captured during the Israeli Defence Force follow-up operation.

    Forty civilians killed in bomb attack on Jewish social centre in Buneos Aires, Argentina. Iranians diplomats in the city are expelled after being connected with the incident.

    Hamas suicide bomber kills twenty two civilians and injures forty seven on a bus in the centre of Tel Aviv, Israel.

    Hamas suicide bomber kills 26 Israeli civilians on a bus in the Palestinian town of Hebron. An hour later one Israeli is killed and thirty five injured in Ashkelon, Israel, by another Hamas bomb. The following day a Palestinian rams a bus queue in Tel Aviv Israel, killing one and wounding twenty three civilians.

    Eighteen killed and ten wounded in Hamas suicide bomb attack on bus in Jerusalem, Israel/Palestine. Thirteen civilians are killed and scores wounded the following day when another Hamas suicide bomber attacks a shopping mall in Dizengoff Street, Tel Aviv.

    Two Arab bombs in Tel Aviv, Israel, leaves 13 injured.

    Suicide bomb attack in Israel and another attack on 4 September kills a total of 20 Israelis. Palestinian extremists blamed.

    18 injured in Tel Aviv bombing.

    JERUSALEM district – Terrorists killed 31 people and wounded 475 in Jerusalem last year. There were 90 terror attacks, a dozen of which took place in or near the Rehov Ben-Yehuda-Jaffa Road-King George Avenue triangle. Total of 209 terror attacks inside the Green Line, of which 67 were bombings and 48 were shooting attacks. May was the worst month, with 32 attacks. While the Jerusalem district had the most attacks, the Tel Aviv district had the fewest, nine.


    Almanac of Modern Terrorism by Jay M. Shafritz, E. F. Gibbons Jr., and Gregory E. J. Scott; press accounts

    Lebanon – Cedarland

    Military Analysis Network

    SECURITY S/13876 COUNCIL 7 April 1980

  7. wieslaw. K 26 oktober 2009

    RZA skrev: “Behöver jag ens börja 1929? varför inte ta 2008 med ”operation cast lead” där 1500 människor, de flesta oskyldiga palestinier dödades.”

    Jag det behöver Du. Dem några fakta jag citerade var bara eftersom det var barn inblandade… och det var lång innan första intifada.Hela listan är av den omfatning att denna blog skulle inte klara av det.

    Dessutom Hebron 1929 – Det var första mssaker i Palestina – på judar!!!!!!!!!!!
    Gör dina lexor innan du börjar diskutera!!!

  8. Bahlool 26 oktober 2009

    lol gillade det här, så enligt dig eftersom du tog upp varenda arbiske terrorist som funnits, så är judarna ansvariga för att rabbiner sålde organ i USA 😉 Så du är skyldig för allt vad alla judar gjort och gö
    American presidential candidate Robert Kennedy murdered by Jordanian terrorist, Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, in Los Angeles, United States. His killer was arrested and became the cause of further terrorist attacks, as Arab terrorist groups demanded his release.

  9. RZA 26 oktober 2009

    Eftersom du gillar att kopiera och klistra så kanske du kan klistra in vad lexor är för nåt?
    (ta bort det förra meddelandet moderator)….annars verkar jag ju dum haha.

  10. wieslaw. K 26 oktober 2009

    Bahlool skrev: “så enligt dig eftersom du tog upp varenda arbiske terrorist som funnits så är judarna ansvariga för att rabbiner sålde organ i USA””

    Nej det gjorde jag verkligen inte. Listan är betydligt större en så. Jag tog bara en del av listan där det syns ganska tydligt vilka är det som representerade “det Palestinska folket” utan att Palestinierna protesterade emot.

    Västerländska terrorister togs om hand av Interpol, FBI och Mosad – tycker att det är på tiden att arabländerna tar hand om sina egna terrorister och slutar gnälla på Israel och USA. Om inte 8000 raketer falit på södra Israel (efer att IDF och bosättare lämnade Gaza)
    ‘Operation Cast Lead’ skulle aldrig ägt rum. Nu lämnar jag denna blog, eftersom varken Du eller dina kompisar behärskar ämnet tillräkligt bra.
    Hej då.

  11. Bahlool 26 oktober 2009

    Wieslaw Israel är en terorrstat enligt alla mått. Så varför tar ni judar inte hand om dem? Varför blev eftersökta terrorister senare ledare för staten Israel? Irgun och resten av rasistgänget…
    8000 raketer föll på södra Palestina för att 1 det är ockuperat och 2 Israel hade bombat och utfört ett embargo som mördade folk och som svalt ut dem och förvägrade dem mediciner..Du lämnar den för att din sanning inte är sann..för att all fakta talar emot dig..för att hela världen håller på att vända sig mot Israels massakrer, däribland judar (äntligen på tiden)

  12. RZA 26 oktober 2009

    Hur var det på svenska lektionerna…var du “tillräkligt” bra på stavning? Jag som trodde ni judar var smarta…

  13. wieslaw. K 26 oktober 2009

    Stakars barn…:))))))))))))))))))9

  14. Bahlool 26 oktober 2009

    Wieslaw jag läser just nu en artikel skriven av en jude som avsade sig judendomen. Han menar att när ni försöker skydda Israel och sionismen så försöker ni svartmåla, ljuga och bedrar ni. Ska posta artiklen här snart så kan du själv läsa 😉
    Att kalla oss barn gör inte att du har mera rätt..

  15. RZA 26 oktober 2009

    Det är intressant att se hur det finns två verkligheter för judar och muslimer. För att det någonsin ska finnas försoning gäller det att man inte försvarar sina egna förbrytelser. Så jag ska vara “vuxen” och fördöma de terror handlingar som palestinier gjort mot oskyldiga. Även om jag ser det som ett svar mot ockupationen och orättvisan så förtjänar ingen oskyldig att dö. Jag vet att palestinier kan vara idioter (egen erfarenhet) men det finns väl idioter i alla samhällen. Ett sätt att vara balanserad och rättvis är väl ändå wieslaw att ha empati och känna och se om man skulle vilja byta plats med palestinierna. Om ni har blivit så orättvist behandlade så hade du väl hellre bytt plats med palestinierna?

  16. Bahlool 26 oktober 2009

    Mkt bra saght RZA

  17. Erik Dahlqvist 27 oktober 2009

    Rätt IQ-befriad konversation det här 😉

  18. Bahlool 27 oktober 2009

    håller när man är idiot så får man bli behandlad som idiot. Imam Ali sa, om jag diskuterar med ett barn så vinner barnet, om jag diskuterar med en man så vinner jag över mannen ( i korta ordalag det går inte att vinna mot barnsliga sinnen)

  19. Erik Dahlqvist 27 oktober 2009

    …Förutom RZA’s sista konversation! Vi-och-dem-tänket är livsfarligt både nere i Israel/Palestina, men även här hemma i Sverige..

  20. Erik Dahlqvist 27 oktober 2009

    Tror att hela världen måste vakna upp och inse att det som har varit, har varit.. Att börja bygga på nå nytt där alla människor kan leva bredvid varandra!!

  21. Bahlool 27 oktober 2009

    Funkar inte med vissa..sionismens förkämpar är duktiga på att svartmåla angripa och är omöjliga i sin kärlek för Israel. Jag har siniostiska vänner men de har i alla fall lite empati..

  22. Erik Dahlqvist 27 oktober 2009

    Det är ju precis det där som vi måste lära oss att ta avstånd ifrån.. “sionismens förkämpar….”… Man kan inte styra över någon annans handlingar än ens egna (även om jag många gånger önskar att jag kunde).. Med det faktat i åtanke, är det då inte bättre att försöka ändra på sig själv och sina egna? Det är vackrare att förlåta och vända andra kinden till.. Det är väl en av grundpelarna inom både judendomen, islam och kristendomen?

  23. Bahlool 27 oktober 2009

    Nja, jag kan ju säga att om någon vill diskutera gärna..jag har stor frihet på bloggen och då och då hamnar någon sionist här som försöker svartmåla eller sprida propaganda jag tillåter när man är så benägen att inte ta ansvar för sina åsikter eller sitt lands eller sin politiks eller sitt folks handlingar som man stödjer och försvarar, då blir det andra bullar 😉
    Islam säger förlåta är snällt och bra, men i grundbotten finns rätten att slå tillbaka mot förtryck och mot angrepp.

  24. Erik Dahlqvist 27 oktober 2009

    Jag menar inte bara nu egentligen.. Håller med om att ganska mycket av W’s inlägg var en aning skumma.. Men i grund o botten var hela diskutionen “du är jude och är tjuv.. – jaha.. men du är muslim och självmords bombare”… hehe..något sånt kan ju knappast leda till något annat än mer förakt för den andra? 😀

    Det jag tänkte var mera att om alla människor skulle tillämpa Den gyllene regeln, så skulle det se bättre ut.. Jag tror också att den sida som först väljer att vara den förlåtande, kommer att vara den sida som våra efterlevande kommer ihåg! Det handlar inte om att vinna, om vem som har sprängt vilket hotell, bil, ambassad eller skyskrapa- utan om att hitta ett sätt som gör att alla kan leva med varandra… Det här borde väl egentligen vara extra tydligt i samhällen som styrs så pass “hårt” av sin religion?

    Vi kanske skulle kontakta Aschbergs program där..öh.. vad heter det? Grannfejden!! 😀

  25. Bahlool 27 oktober 2009

    Nah men när ajg får såna besökare så tar jag dem inte på allvar utan försöker dumma mig mot dem, trust me jag har varit operatör på olika chatforum från 98 ända till idag och vet vilka som menar allvar och vill diskutera och vilka som du ska “knäcka” och förpassa till dårhuset..den här killen är ett sådant fall.
    Jag tror inte att man minns dem som förlåter mest..titta på Jesus, finns folk som menar han aldrig existerade 😉 så vem minns honom då?
    hahaha flera fall av grannfejden sker just i Helsingborg..säger allt om oss 😉

  26. Erik Dahlqvist 27 oktober 2009

    Hahaha..det gick väl rätt bra för Jesus?? Han har ju en ganska respektabel skala anhängare som följer honom, Islam ser väl honom som en profet också va? Judarna säger att han har funnits, dock erkänner dem inte det han påstås ha gjort 🙂 Dem flesta, även icke troende, är väl ändå överens om att han har funnits? Dock är väl vi alla oense om vad han faktiskt gjorde.. 🙂

    Det kommer ju alltid att finnas rötägg, precis som vi har varit inne på tidigare… Bomber osv kommer alltid att existera… När hatet mellan väst och öst är över så ska du se att det är något annat som står för dörren 😉

    Dessutom, även om det nu inte är så att eftervärlden kommer, eller inte kommer ihåg spelar väl ingen roll? Det är vi som ska leva med våra gärningar… Det är vi som ska sova med rena samveten… “Fader föråt dem, ty de vet icke vad dem gör”.. Lite bibel-citat ifrån en kille som inte tror… Den du 😉

  27. Bahlool 27 oktober 2009

    Jo vi muslimer anser han är en profet men att han inte var guds son och i Koranen så framställs han som stor på under (kunde tala när han var bäbis). När hatet är över? tror du att hatet som funnits sedan tidens början skulle ta slut? Knappast…när du möter så många islamofober som jag mött och när du möter så många wahabis som jag gjort, så inser du att vi är långt borta från lugn och ro mellan öst och väst 😛
    Hahah wow han är duktig på Biblen också 😉

  28. Erik Dahlqvist 27 oktober 2009

    En vis man sa engång: Om en person inte är din bror i religionen så är han din bror i mänskligheten…. Det tycker jag lät rätt bra faktiskt.. Även fast inte jag har så många bröder i religionen 😉

    Tror att du kan vittna om att det nuförtiden finns en förföljelse (rädsla… islamofobi..) efter muslimer… Innan det så var judarna utsatta och svartmålade.. Hehe.. Så JA!! Tror att tiderna ändras 😉 Tror såklart inte att vi människor kommer sluta att hata, bara att vi kommer att rikta det mot något annat 😀

  29. Bahlool 27 oktober 2009

    har tiderna verkligen förändrats? Titttar vi på antisemitismen så är den fortfarande utspridd och verkar öka igen. Muslimer har hatats i över 1400 år. Svarta är hatade, invandrare är hatade överallt i världen (frågar du irakier så säger alla olika hur många egyptier vi hade som arbetskraft under kriget). Rasismen är utspridd. hatet kvarstår, håller på med att skriva om fattigdom,m när man tittar på det så ser man att även fattigdom kvarstår osv..nej du..2009 och vi har inte förändrats ett dugg 😉

  30. Bahlool 27 oktober 2009

    Ska gå lägga mig vännen..hörs nog imorgon 😉

  31. Erik Dahlqvist 27 oktober 2009

    Tja antisemitismen har väl aldrig riktigt “dött ut” heller.. Pga Israel/Palestina-frågan antar jag.. Undra om det någonsin kommer att bli fred där nere? Murarna rivs och båda sidor inser att man faktiskt kan gå till samma ställe och be? 🙂
    Att invandrare är hatade beror ju på att folk är rädda för vad som är nytt… Det beror såklart på saker som dålig utbildning, lågkonjuktur och konstig integration (speciellt i Sverige!!!)…. Anyway.. Nu är det år 2009!! Gränserna är mer öppna än någonsin.. Man talar om att vara världsmedborgare, inte Svensk, Norrman eller (Bellman) Turk… Det gör självklart inte partier som SD (men vart är det roliga om man inte får knäppa sådana som Jimmy Åkesson på näsan?), men dem stora partierna i Sverige står för det = dem flesta svenskar! 😀

    Bra att du skriver om fattigdom!! Gjorde något test på någon sida…. Det visade sig att jag är bland världens 3 rikaste % !!!! HEEELT SJUKT!! Jag klagar på att jag tjänar dåligt.. Tjänar en normal lön om man slår ut det på varje månad… Världens 3 rikaste % !! OMG!!! Knappast rättvist!! Därför är det viktigt att hela världen hjälper till att ta ansvar för hela världen!! Brödraskap!!!

    Haha..Min flickvän berättade om nå toppmöte i Italien nyligen.. “The first ladies” ifrån några länder hade flugits in tillsammans med ett gäng barn ifrån Afrika någonstans.. Sen var det ett PR-grej där dem matade barnen med gröt typ.. Hela den grejen hade kostat 2milj kr!!! Haha..Hade räckt till att mata 1milj barn i en vecka eller var det var 😀

  32. Erik Dahlqvist 27 oktober 2009

    Det gör vi!! Sov gott!

  33. Bahlool 27 oktober 2009

    Nåja det var ju rätt fredligt när muslimerna härskade (judar och kristna var skyddade och fick leva efter sina egna religioner osv) Det är nationalismens/sionismens/panarabismens fel att det är så mkt blodsutgjutelse nu.
    Hahha ja vi vet inte vad vi har, jag brukar också klaga på att jag inte har pengar, men mat på bordet, kläder på kroppen och ett hem, vad vill man mera egentligen 😉
    lol det är därför jag ogillar alla de här “hjälporganisationerna” , chefer på röda korset som har miljoner i lön medan de som verkligen jobbar gör det ideellt..hälften av vad du skickar till de behövande går till adminstration osv :O

  34. Erik Dahlqvist 27 oktober 2009

    Ja hujedamej… Hehe… Svårt det här… Tiden utvisar väl vad som komma skall, antar jag 🙂

    Det håller jag med om!! Sånt är svårt.. Kolla SIDA tex, svenska bistånds organet, dem har feta kontor i centrala sthlm..haha.. Dem är säkert gratis lixom1! 😀

  35. Bahlool 27 oktober 2009

    Lol varje år får jag höra om att det är några problem med korruption hos dem eller deras projekt eller att budgeten inte gick ihop :P..tänker man efter så ser man att de har riktigt mkt pengar att handskas med. Islamiska systemet är mkt bättre, inga av de pengar jag skickar får gå till något annat än det jag krävt de ska gå till. När vi skickar 20 eller 30 dollar till någon släkting, så brukar de göra underverk 😛

  36. Bahlool 27 oktober 2009

    har inte orkat mkt med nyheter på sistone brorsan, men jag skrev om honom när han utfrystes och jagades runt hela tiden. Frihet my ass..

  37. Erik Dahlqvist 27 oktober 2009

    Hehe… Kanske är bäst om man på något sätt inför 10de på nå sätt… Jag försöker hjälpa folk som jag kan, mina vänner eller ge mat till uteliggare tex… Ger inte mer än växel till “bössorna” 😀

  38. Bahlool 27 oktober 2009

    lol vi betalar en femtedel..sen finns det 2-3 olika andra skatter som är mer “frivilliga” 😛 trust me..its hard to be a muslim hahahaha
    En gång såg jag på tysk tv hur de talade på en tv show med en “snyltare” eller tiggare, han skröt om att han fick 4000 D mark (runt 20 000 kr) genom att tigga, samtidigt fick han social hjälp..vad gjorde han med pengarna?= de gick till hans hundar och sprit..gissa vad folk tyckte om det *;)

  39. Erik Dahlqvist 27 oktober 2009

    haha det har vi ju talat om.. det finns ju rötägg överallt 🙂 har hört om era skatter o grejer… hehe… det är hårt!! sen har ni ju en massa grejer som ni ska ha gjort också!! jag menar eran resa ner till Jerusalem är säkert helt gratis också 😉

  40. Bahlool 27 oktober 2009

    Lol till Jerusalem? Jag får inte ens åka till Jerusalem som shiamsulim 😛

  41. Erik Dahlqvist 27 oktober 2009

    Haha… Med Jerusalem menar jag ju såklart Mecka 😉

  42. Bahlool 27 oktober 2009

    lol 20 000 ca att åka dit 😛 det har jag verlkligen inte råd med..skulle åka på semester det sket sig pga 5000 kr 😉

  43. Erik Dahlqvist 27 oktober 2009

    är det inte så att man måste vara “ren” för att få åka dit och be också… att verkligen vara en trogen muslim typ? haha…alla dessa regler 😛

  44. Bahlool 27 oktober 2009

    hmm man ska ju vara en bra muslim, men det blir jag nog aldrig 😛

  45. Erik Dahlqvist 27 oktober 2009

    Hahaha säg inte det… Fast det är väl ett sunt tänk kan jag tro att säga så… En polare till mig jobbar i en pingstförsamling som ungdomsledare.. Han är min bästa vän.. Verkligen världens snällaste kille.. Han är precis likadan… Tror att han inte är tillräckligt bra… Mindervärdeskomplex? 😛

  46. Bahlool 27 oktober 2009

    lol det är nog det..religion hämmar 😉

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