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Ramadan 9 – Hadith

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The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said: “Those people from amongst my ummah, who memorize forty hadith (traditions) pertaining to those issues of religion, which they are in need of, Allah shall resurrect them on the Day of Judgment as jurisprudents and scholars.” (Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 2, pg. 156; Al-Ikhtasaas, pg.2)

Hadith No. 01
Why the name ‘Ramazan’?
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: “Surely, the month of Ramazan has been named so because it scorches away the sins.” Kanz al-Ummal, H: 23688

Hadith No. 02
Ramazan: The Name of God
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) has said: Say not, “This is Ramazan” and “Ramazan has departed” and “Ramazan has arrived” for surely, Ramazan is one of the names of Allah, The Mighty, the Glorious, who neither arrives nor departs. Surely, arrives and departs that, which is ephemeral, Instead say: “The month of Ramazan”. Al-Kafi, 4, pg. 70

Hadith No. 03
Ramazan: The Month of Revelation of the Holy Quran
Imam Reza (A.S.) has said: If one asks, “Why is it that the fasts were made obligatory exclusively in the month of Ramazan and not in the other months?” it would be said, “(this is) because the month of Ramazan is the month in which Allah, the Exalted, had revealed the Holy Quran.” Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 18, pg. 190

Hadith No. 04
Reward for Recitation of the Holy Quran during Ramazan
Imam Reza (A.S.) has said: “Someone who recites one verse from the Book of Allah, The Mighty, The Glorious, in the month of Ramazan, is like one who has recited the entire Holy Quran in the other months.” Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 93, pg. 344

Hadith No. 05
Reward of the Month of Ramazan
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) was asked: O’ Prophet of Allah! Which of the two months possesses a greater reward, Rajab or the month of Ramazan? The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) replied: Nothing can be compared to the month of Ramazan in terms of reward. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 97, pg. 49

Hadith No. 06
Ramazan: The Month of God
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: Shaaban is my month and the month of Ramazan is the month of Allah, The Exalted, and it is the springtime for the poor. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 97, pg. 68

Hadith No. 07
Ramazan: The Chosen Month
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: Surely, Allah, The Mighty, The Glorious, has chosen from amongst the months (and granted preference to), the months of Rajab, Shaaban and the month of Ramazan. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 27, pg. 53

Hadith No. 08
Ramazan: The Great Month
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: Surely, the month of Ramazan is a great month. Allah multiplies in it the good deeds, erases in it the sins and elevates in it the ranks. Wasail al-Shia’h, vol. 10, pg. 312

Hadith No. 09
Ramazan: The Chief of the Months
Imam Ali (A.S.) said: The month of Ramazan has approached you. It is the chief of all months and the beginning of the year. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 42, pg. 193

Hadith No. 10
Ramazan: The Beginning of the Year
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: If the month of Ramazan remains safe and sound (with respect to sins), the (entire) year shall remain so (too); the month of Ramazan is the beginning of the year. Wasail al-Shia’h vol.10, pg. 311

Hadith No. 11
Ramazan: The Month of Mercy
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said: It (Ramazan) is the month, whose beginning is mercy, its middle, forgiveness and its end, emancipation from the fire (of hell). Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 93, pg. 342

Hadith No. 12
Excellence of the Month of Ramazan
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: O’ People! Surely, the month of God has approached you. The month which, in the eyes of Allah, is the most virtuous of the months. Its days are the best of the days and its nights, the best of the nights and its moments, the best of the moments. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 96, pg. 356

Hadith No. 13
Ramazan: The Best of the Months
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: The best of the months is the month of God – the month of Ramazan – and the heart of the month of Ramazan is the Night of Qadr (Lailatul Qadr). Bihar al-Anwar, vol. pg. 386

Hadith No. 14
The Night of Qadr
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: O’ People! Surely, a great and blessed month has enveloped you. A month, in which there is a night, deeds in which are better than of a thousand months. Bihar al-Anwar, vol.96, pg. 342

Hadith No. 15
Gift of Allah’s Month
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: Your breath in it glorification (of Allah) and your sleep in it worship (of Allah). Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 96, pg. 356

Hadith No. 16
Fasts of the Month of Ramadan
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: The month of Ramazan is the month in which Allah, The Mighty, The Glorious, has made fasting obligatory upon you. So one, who fasts in this month in a state of belief and with the intention of recompense, shall become free of his sins just as he was on the day when his mother gave him birth. Tahdheeb al-Ahkam, vol. 4, pg. 152

Hadith No. 17
Ramazan: The Month of Spiritual Striving
In his testament to his sons, Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: When the month of Ramazan arrives, exert yourselves, for surely it is in this month that livelihood is distributed, the hour of death is ordained and the arriving for Hajj is decreed. In it is a night, deeds in which are better than deeds in a thousand months. Al-Kafi, vol. 4, pg. 66

Hadith No. 18
Ramazan: The Month of Good Deeds
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: This month of yours (Ramazan) is unlike the other months. Surely, when it approaches you, it does so with blessings and mercy and when it turns away from you, it does so with forgiveness of sins. This is a month in which good deeds are multiplied and of goodness accepted. Wasail al-Shia’h, vol. 10, pg. 312

Hadith No. 19
Ramazan: The Blessed Month
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said: Surely, the month of Ramazan, the blessed month, has come to you. The month, whose fasts Allah has made obligatory upon you. In it, the doors of Paradise are opened up and the Satan’s fettered, and in it is the Night of Qadr, which is more virtuous than a thousand months. Tahdheeb al-Ahkam, vol. 4, pg. 152

Hadith No. 20
The Month of Ramazan and Seeking Forgiveness
Imam Ali (A.S.) said: It is incumbent upon you to seek forgiveness and supplicate excessively in the month of Ramazan. As for the supplication, by means of it the calamities are warded off from you, and as for the seeking of forgiveness, it erases away your sins. Al-Kafi, vol. 4, pg. 88

Hadith No. 21
Opening of the doors of Paradise
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: In it (the month of Ramazan) the doors of Hell are closed and the doors of Paradise opened. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 96, pg. 363

Hadith No. 22
The Month of Ramazan and Itikaf
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) has said: The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny), initially observed the Itikaf (spiritual retreat) during the first ten days of the month of Ramazan. Later, he observed it during the middle ten days of the holy month and finally, he observed it during the last 10 days of the month and then continued to do so in the last ten days (for as long as he was alive). Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 16, pg. 274

Hadith No. 23
The Month of Ramazan and Divine Books
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: The Torah was revealed on the sixth day of the month of Ramazan, the Bible, on the twelfth night of the month, the Paslms on the eighteenth night of the month and the Quran on the Night of Qadr. Al-Kafi, vol. 4, pg. 157

Hadith No. 24
The Best Deed of the Month of Ramazan
During the course of a sermon of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) about the virtues of the month of Ramazan. Imam Ali (A.S.) says: I stood up and asked: O’ Prophet of Allah! What is the best deed for this month? The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) replied: O’ Abul-Hasan! The best deed for this month is abstinence from that which is forbidden by Allah, The Mighty, The Glorious. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 42, pg. 190

Hadith No. 25
Losers of the Month of Ramazan
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: One who perceives the month of Ramazan and (does not strive in it and hence) is not forgiven, Allah distances him from Himself. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 74, pg. 74

Hadith No. 26
Imam Sajjad (A.S.) and the Month of Ramazan
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: With the advent of the month of Ramazan, Imam Ali Ibn al-Hussain (A.S.) would cease to speak about anything except dua, tasbeeh (glorification of Allah), isteghfar (seeking forgiveness) and takbeer (saying ‘Allahu Akbar’). Al-Kafi, vol. 4, pg. 88

Hadith No. 27
Fridays of the Month of Ramazan
Imam Baqir (A.S.) has said: Surely, the Fridays of the month of Ramazan possess an excellence over the Fridays of the other months, just as the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) possesses an excellence over the other prophets. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 69, pg. 376

Hadith No. 28
Seven Excellences of Ramazan Fasting
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has stated: There is no Mu’min, who fasts for a day in the month of Ramazan with the intention of attaining its rewards, except that Allah, The Exalted, grants him seven excellences:

  1. The forbidden food that had entered into his body melts away.
  2. He moves closer to the Mercy of Allah, The Exalted.
  3. Allah expiates his sins.
  4. Allah reduces for him the agony of death.
  5. Allah protects him from the hunger and thirst of the Day of Judgment.
  6. He is granted pardon from the fire (of Hell).
  7. Allah provides him the good and pleasant food of Paradise.

Mustadrak al-Wasaail al-Shia’h, vol. 7, pg. 395

Hadith No. 29
Ramazan: The Month of Patience
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: And it (the month of Ramazan) is the month of patience, and surely, the reward of patience is Paradise. Al-Kafi, vol. 4, pg. 66

Hadith No. 30
Giving Charity
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) has said: Allah shall ward off 70 kinds of calamities from one who gives charity in the month of Ramazan. Wasaail al-Shia’h, vol. 9, pg. 404

Hadith No. 31
Reward of an Obligatory Act
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has stated: (The rewards of) one, who performs in it (the month of Ramazan) a single act from amongst the obligatory (wajib) acts of Allah, would be like (that of) one, who has performed seventy obligatory acts in the other months. Wasaail al-Shia’h, vol. 10, pg. 307

Hadith No. 32
Night of Decree
Imam Baqir (A.S.) said: In the Night of Qadr is decreed every thing – pleasant and unpleasant, obedience and disobedience, birth and death, and livelihood – which would occur during the course of that year, till the next Night of Qadr. Al-Kafi, vol. 4, pg. 157

Hadith No. 33
Increase Prayers in the Month of Ramazan
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) has said: With the advent of the month of Ramazan, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny) would increase his Prayers (Salaat); I also increase mine and so, (you) increase yours (too). Tahdheeb al-Akhaam, vol. 3, pg. 60

Hadith No. 34
Eating of sahur
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said: Eat your ‘sahur’ (the morning meal before the start of a fast) even if it is (mere) mouthfuls of water, for the blessings of Allah are upon those who eat the sahur. Tahdheeb al-Akhaam, vol. 4, pg. 198

Hadith No. 35
Hunger and Thirst of the Day of Judgment
Imam Ali (A.S.) said: Bring to mind, by means of your hunger and thirst in it (the month of Ramazan), the hunger and thirst of the Day of Judgment. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 93, pg. 356

Hadith No. 36
The Call of Allah
Abdullah Ibn al-Abbas Ibn Abd al-Muttalib reports that he heard the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) say: Every night, in the month of Ramazan, Allah, The Blessed and The Exalted, calls out three times: Is there one, who seeks from Me, so that I grant him his wish? Is there one, who turns to me in repentance so that I turn to him (in Mercy)? Is there one, who seeks forgiveness from Me so that I forgive him? Mustadrak al-Wasaail, vol. 7, pg. 429

Hadith No. 37
Ghusl (ablution) on Night of Qadr
Imam Musa Ibn Ja’far (A.S.) said: One, who performs the ghusl on the Night of Qadr and remains awake in it (engaged in worship), shall have all his sins forgiven. Wasaail al-Shia’h, vol. 10, pg. 358

Hadith No. 38
Shield of a Believing Servant
Allah, The Mighty and The Glorious has said: The fasts are the shield of the believing servants on the Day of Judgment, just as your weapons shield you in this world. Wasaail al-Shia’h, vol.10, pg. 403

Hadith No. 39
Iftaar for Mu’min
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: One who provides iftaar to a Mu’min in the month of Ramazan, shall be granted the reward of liberating a slave (in the path of Allah) and shall have all his previous sins forgiven. And if he did not possess the means to present anything except milk mixed with water, or a drink of sweet water and a date, Allah would grant him this reward. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 93, pg. 317

Hadith No. 40
Farewell to the Month of Ramazan
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) prayed: O’ God! Ordain not this month of Ramazan to be the last one for my fasts. But should you ordain it to be so, then make me blessed and leave me not deprived (of Your mercy). Badaabi Az Quran, pg. 398

14 kommentarer

  1. saladin 19 september 2009

    haha mycket fred med i alla dessa slasktexter. Ändå envisas man skära huvudet av männisor i islams namn. Det krävs verkligen en högre form av hyckleri för detta.

    Men klart. Er så kallade profet hade nog inte alla synsper rätt inställda. Han pratade med åsnor och erbjöd denne sexuella tjänster. Han flög på hästar mellan städer osv osv.

    Komedin kring Muhammed är total. Undrar när Monthypythion gänget ska göra en film om Muhammed. Hade varit kul att se.

  2. Abu Karim 25 september 2009

    Bahlool du är en stor kadhib och hycklare, förr när vi diskuterade al-kafi och hans hadithsamling, sade du till mig att boken inte anses vara helt autentisk, nu citerar du boken, vilket hyckleri, jag antar att det är taqiyyah

  3. Bahlool 25 september 2009

    Har jag diskuterat med dig? Må Allah förlåta dig för att anklaga mig…Vi anser inte att Al Kafi är sahih, vi anser att det finns båda autentiska hadith och ickeautentiska i den. Att du kallar mig för hycklare (sånt du inte vågar kalla de sanna hycklarna i Profetens omgivning som tom suror har kommit ner på) visar på den mörka okunnighet många muslimer bär på. Jag är kanske en stor lögnare, men inte i det här fallet. Vad spelar det för roll vad jag säger? Du kom in i bloggen med mycket hat och med anklagelser i ditt hjärta. Ramadan är knappt över och du har återfallit till gamla vanor. Må Allah förlåta dig.

  4. Musa 25 september 2009

    abukarim, det enda 100% sanna är quranen. Al kafi har många osanna ahadith., men oxå autentiska.
    Eller hur Bahlool, utveckla det lite och visa vilka hycklarna du syftar på är för det känns som att han inte vet.

    Skillnaden är att ni anser hadith samlingar som Sahih, äkta, även när detta står:

    Bukhari citat Abu Huraira i sin Sahih (volym I, sidan 158 och volym II, sidan 163, volym 4 sid 619) och igen i kapitlet “Death of profeten Moses” och muslimer också citerar samma myndighet (Abu Huraira) i sin Sahih, volym II, sidan 309 i kapitlet “om förtjänsterna med Moses” som säger: “The Angel of Death kom till profeten Moses och bad honom att acceptera inbjudan av sin Skapare. Efter att ha hört detta gav Moses honom ett sådant slag i ansiktet att Han förlorade sitt ena öga. Så han gick tillbaka till Allah och klagade över att han hade skickat honom till en man som inte ville dö och som hade slagit ut ett av hans ögon. Allah botade hans öga och beordrade honom att gå åter till Moses och tala om för honom att om han ville leva längre, ska han lägga sin hand på baksidan av en tjur. Han skulle leva för så många år som antalet hårstrån som skulle omfattas av hans hand. ”
    De orespektabla haditherna om rasoulallah(saww) som ni anser vara hadith tänker jag inte ens ta upp då man skäms för att göra det.

  5. Musa 25 september 2009

    *ni anser vara sahih

  6. Bahlool 25 september 2009

    Musa Abukarim tillhör en stor skara människor som är döva och blinda inför sanningen..
    Jag kan ta en hadith som är helig och finns i hadithsamlingarna..enligt en man så stod han och gjorde sina behov..så kom Profeten Muhammed och gjorde sina behov vid hans sida…
    Jag har läst och hört den hadithen ofta men aldrig förstått varför man har den eller ens vidarenbefodrar den? Är det verkligen viktigt för mig att veta att Profeten Muhammed gör sina behov? Jag är inte intresserad av att veta vad du gör på toa, än mindre vad en helig Profet gör…
    Ditt problem AbuKarim (tror du är fortfarande tonåring från din skrivstil och attityd) är att Allah stängt ditt hjärta för hans budskap.
    I fiendeskapen till Ahlul Bayt och Profeten ligger verklig helvete…DU skulle skämmas och gråta tårar om du visste vilken status Ahlul Bayt har i islam..du skulle pissa och pasja på dig (nu blev jag intresserad av dina behov :P) om du visste hur viktiga de är för din tro…
    Du behöver inte bli varför inte läsa böcker skrivna av shias? Är inte det smartare?

  7. Musa 25 september 2009

    A, dessa lögner till ahadith som anses sahih är en skam…
    I sökandet till sanningen ska man studera vad alla säger för att kunna bilda en uppfattning.

  8. abukarim 25 september 2009


    hur mår tunnel imamen? imamen i grottan loool

  9. Bahlool 25 september 2009

    AbuKarim dukan håna du kan i slutändan när du står inför din skapare, så kommer du stå bakom djävlar vi komme stå bakom Ahlul Bayt…Allah är barmhärtig och vi hoppas på hans löfte 🙂

  10. Musa 25 september 2009

    Det är verkligen synd att man ska bemötas med hån när man för en seriös diskussion. Han verkar inte tro på att allah(swt) kan göra vad som helst… Varför inte håna tron på att jesus är i det fördolda?

    Allah kommer att föra ut från doldhet al-Mahdi från min familj, strax före domedagen, även om endast en dag skulle vara kvar i världen och han kommer att sprida rättvisa och jämlikhet och bekämpa tyranni och förtryck.
    (Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Vol. 1, s. 99)

    Undrar vad abukarim säger om denna hadithen?

    Eller förklara hur Islam kmr att ha 12 rättfärdiga ledare, fram till domedagen, och att den som inte vet vem hans ledare/imam är kmr att dö en död av jahiliya…. Detta är sahihs från våra sunnimuslimska bröder. Alltså finns ledaren nu, kan du säga vem han är? Det måste vara ngn speciell för att varför ska du annars dö en jahiliya död om du ej vet vem han är?

  11. Musa 25 september 2009

    Inshallah bahlool,
    Hur gammal e du förresten?

  12. Bahlool 25 september 2009

    Qaareeb 3ala el thelatheen 3umri 🙂
    Jag var nära att säga några fina ord om försöker att efterleva RAmadans principer, så jag lät honom komma undan med lite vänliga ord 😉
    Finns ingen förklaring..haditherna om de 12 ledarna är många men sunniislam har aldrig kunnat förklara dem ordentligt.

  13. Musa 25 september 2009

    El 3omer killo akhi, : )

    Aaa, hehe, han har inget att komma med förutom hån. Svarade ju inte på de andra inläggen… Aja, du e mkt påläst har sett dina artiklar o diskussioner innan, mkt bra av dig..!

  14. Bahlool 25 september 2009

    tack ahi men det är mest för att de skriver om samma saker..i över 10 år har jag hört och läst det här…

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