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Indiskt skämt

Jag har några vänner från Pakistan och Indien som brukar dra lite skämt här och där..det här är på engelska.  Jag vill inte översätta det och förstöra poängen med det. Brukar översätta men just det här måste läsas som det är:

“AajTak” gets news that 100 sardars are killed in a train accident at Amritsar station. Only one Sardar left alive.

The correspondent goes to the Sardarji and the conversation between them goes as follows:
Correspondent: How did this happen?
Sardarji: Well, all the 200 people were waiting for the train. They were standing on the platform.. Then there was this announcement that the train is arriving on platform number 2. They got scared to know that the train is arriving on the platform and hence they jumped onto the tracks to save themselves. The announcement was misleading. The train arrived on the track and you can see the result.

Correspondent: Well, I guess, you must be the intelligent Sardarji. Why did you not jump onto the tracks?

Sardarji: I was actually trying to commit suicide. I was waiting for the train on the tracks. When I heard that the train is arriving on the
platform, I climbed up… “

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