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The greatness of the shias

You ask me about the greatness of the Shias? The greatness of the shias, is seen on this day. When shias, who get killed in Pakistan, go on the streets for the sake of Palestine and al Quds – Jerusalem. The same pakistanis, who get killed when they go on these demos. 

You ask me about the greatness of the shias? The greatness of the shias is seen in the behaviour of the shias of Bahrain..Who daily suffer under oppression,and who daily suffer from the tyranny of the corrupt government and who daily imprison and kill them and they still chose this day, this Al Quds day, to protest for the sake of the palestinians..

Now compare that to the behaviour of the palestiniens or the behaviour of our sisters and brothers in the sunni often have you seen them demonstrate for the victims of the sectarian violence? Those victims are mostly shias…

This is the greatness of the shias….

Skrev det för i åratal har shiiterna påmint världen om al Quds och att i slutet av Ramadan gå ut på gatorna och demonstrera för Jerusalem. Och varje år, mördas shiiterna just under dessa demos. Några år sedan mördades 40 tal shiiter på en sådan demonstration i Pakistan.

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