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Internationel Solidarity Institution

En liten skön rapport som visar att även idag, efter kriget i Gaza, även idag när palestinierna hållit sina vapen tysta, så angriper Israel de ockuperade områdena och mördar och kidnappar folk. Man gråter över någon israelisk soldat, men samtidigt kidnappar man hundratals varje månad.

På engelska:

The International Solidarity Institution stated in its monthly report that the Israeli army killed in September 15 Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, including two children.

The report stated that Nayef, 16 from Al Jalazoun refugee camp near Ramallah, died of his wounds after the army barred medics from reaching him. He was shot in the main road leading to Beit El settlement. Resident Obaida Al Dweik, 25, from Hebron, died of wounds sustained in August after the army opened fire at him and took him to an Israeli hospital. Resident Rabee` Al Taweel, 23, from Jerusalem, was shot and killed by Israeli gunfire in Husan town near Bethlehem. Mahmoud Turkman, 17, from Jenin was rammed by an Israeli military jeep in front of a local school in Ya`bod village, and died of his wounds. The report also stated that eleven Palestinians were killed by Israeli fire in the Gaza Strip. Residents Faraj Al Najjar and Ismat Mohra where killed in an Israeli shelling to the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza. In Beit Hanoun, in nrothern Gaza, soldiers killed Sameh Al Beetar, 20, and Ghazi Al zaanen, 13. In a shelling to Al Tuffah neighborhoud in Gaza city, soldiers killed Abdul-Hafith Al Seelawi, 21, Mohammad Naseer, 21, Kamel Al Dahdouh, Mahmoud Al Banna, and Mohammad Mashoud. They were all in a vehicle that was targetted by the army. In Rafah, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, residents Mohammad Jamal Abu Sief, 45, Riziq Al Masry, 28, were killed after the army shelled a tunnel in Rafah. Also in September, Israeli soldiers kidnapped more than 230 Palestinians, inclduing 22 children below the age of 18, and five young women. 10 of them were kindapped on roadblocks and while trying to cross the bridge back from Jordan. The five women were idnetified as Afaf Saabna, 28, Ala` Eyad Saabna, 25, from Fahma village near the northern West Bank city of Jenin, Nadia Omar Hamdan, 26, from El Ein refugee camp in Nablus, Hana` Al Shalaby, 24, from Jenin, and a young woman from Nablus. Furthermore, nearly 200 Palestinian workers were arrested in Israel after the police claimed that they had no work permits. They were all detained from several areas inside the Green Line on September 27. The Insitution slammed the ongoing Israeli violations and the killings, and stated that human rights violations are on the rise while the International Community in Idle. It all called for the release of all detained women, children and sick detainees, in addition to detainees who spent many years in detention.

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