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Al Marja Fadhallah död

Verkar som om den lärd som jag följt sen några år, dött i dagarna. Nyheterna är osäkra, då jag försöker få reda på mera om saken. Bara igår sa man att han var på sjukhus och att hans tillstånd var stabilt, nu säger man på Facebook, att han dött. Ingen verkar veta men inget om det här står på vare sig hans hemsida eller på nyheterna.

Sayyid Muhammed Hussein Fadhallah:

En omstridd person som anses vara en av de mera moderata marjas i islam. En Marja har efter ett stort antal år, rätten att utöva Ijtihad, rätten att ge råd och utfärda tolkningar av den islamiska lagen. Fadhallah angreps av amerikanska och saudiska underättelsetjänsten men överlevde attacken. Han har skrivit otaliga böcker. Hans syn i vissa frågor ledde till att han var ogillad av vissa shiiter, frågor som gällde historiska händelser och som gällde kvinnans rättigheter.

Den senaste nyheten jag fann om honom på hans hemsida.

The medical team that is in charge of the treatment of His Eminence, the Religious Authority, Sayyed Muhammad Hussein Fadlullah, is still exerting its efforts to stop the acute internal hemorrhage that His Eminence has suffered from, as well its resulting complications, knowing that his condition is relatively stable.

In the meantime, several figures flowed to the hospital to check on his health, headed by the Minister, Dr. Adnan As-Sayyed Hussein, representing Michelle Suleiman, the President of the Lebanese Republic, as well as Hezbollah’s Deputy Secretary-General, Sheikh Naim Kassem, MP Ali Hassan Khalil, representing the Parliament Speaker, Nabih Berri, and a delegation from the Loyalty to Resistance Bloc, presided by the Head of the Bloc, MP Hajj Muhammad Raad and Minister Muhammad Fneish. Moreover, other figures visited the hospital, including the Publisher of As-Safir newspaper, Talal Salman, the Head of Amel Association, Dr. Kamel Muhanna, the Head of the Military Court, Brigadier-general Nizar Khalil, and other political, social, religious and military figures, in addition to popular delegations that filled the halls of the hospital.

On another level, several calls to check on his health were received from the Mufti of the Lebanese Republic, Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Rashid Qabbani, the former Prime Minister, Fouad Seniora, the Lebanese Minister of Information, Tarik Metri, Secretary-General of the Arab League, Amr Moussa, the Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon, Ali Abdul-Karim Ali, the Egyptian Ambassador, Ahmad Al-Bidewi, the Head of the Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council, Sayyed Ammar Al-Hakim, the Representative of the Iraqi Ministry of Culture, Abu Midyan Al-Moussawi, the Secretary of the Democratic Renewal Movement, Dr. Antoine Haddad.

Bayynat web site.

3 kommentarer

  1. life 04 juli 2010

    hörde detsamma men visa sig vara a fake news..

  2. Bahlool 04 juli 2010

    nej sorry sis, han dog…inna lillahi we inna lehi raje3on…

  3. life 04 juli 2010

    neeej:( allah jiri7ma

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