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Musik och dans enligt Ayatollah Fadhallah

Jag ombads skriva något om musik, då jag inte har tid för ett längre inlägg med punkter ur både shia som sunni lärda, väljer jag här att snabbt skriva ner vad Ayatollah Fadhallah, en av de högstrankade lärda inom shiaislam, säger:

I frågor gällande sång, musik och konst skriver Ayatollah Fadhallah:

ategory Mua’malat (Non -Worshipping Acts) / Singing, Music and Arts Issues
Question number 3

Q: Is it prohibited to listen to the songs that celebrate certain occasions such as: Eids, weddings, patriotic occasions?  11/28/2006 12:30:35 PM
A: It is permissible to listen to them in case they do not contain prohibited meanings.
Publish Date: 12/28/2006 1:40:41 PM


Q: Is it permissible to listen to songs such as love songs in weddings? Is it permissible for women to dance in such parties, knowing that they are exclusively for women?  6/22/2006 10:28:36 AM
A: Yes, this is permissible in the weddings that are attended by women only. It is also permissible for them to dance but not in a dissolute way.
Publish Date: 10/22/2006 2:15:02 PM


Q: Is it permissible for me to play a musical instrument in front of a group of audience?  6/10/2006 9:47:29 AM
A: It is permissible to do so if the music does not arouse the instincts.
Publish Date: 10/10/2006 12:43:47 PM
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